Saturday, February 18, 2006

Blister Packs Suck!

Who invented blister packs? Seriously... I'd like to find this person and string him up by his toenails. At least once a week I have to bust into one of these things, and every time there's a casualty: a paper-like cut on my finger, a broken fingernail, a chipped tooth... okay, I haven't chipped a tooth yet, but I know that one's coming. Anyone know an easy way to break into one of these dang things?!?!

So I've been working on a shoot with Eagles of Death Metal this week. LOVE them. I've worked with Josh in the past, and he was great, so I was really excited about this one. Unfortunately it's been the biggest pain in the ass I've ever experienced (photo shoot-wise). I don't hold the band responsible... and probably shouldn't say publicly who I do resent for this... but if you email me, I'll be happy to tell ya! ;) By the way, is it me or is Jessie looking awfully Brad Pitt-ish in that photo?? Hmmm...