Safari Sam's offers Band Pass
from Sam himself:
Hello everyone.
This is a rare occasion in that i am going to review a show we had a week ago with the band Slim Cessna's Auto Club. I'm doing this because we are going to change a major policy at the club because of this show. In life we look for justice, justice for ourselves and hopefully for others. It is a virtue that seems to be in dwindling amounts as time goes on. Certainly if there was more justice in the world, we would not be forcing Iraqis to live by our standards, we would not be forcing our moral standards on our neighbors and even worse we would not be treating our fellow countrymen like enslaved citizenry and in this case if there was justice in hollywood the Slim Cessna's show would have been sold out. There was tremendous anticipation on my part to see this band live because the c.d.'s their label alternative tentacles had sent me were very exciting. The band arrived at about 4 in the afternoon and they actually had smiles on their face and an air of tranquility. Very rare for a touring band. Their sound check was pretty cool but it really wasn't until they took the stage at 11:45 that night that i really got a jist of what was about to happen. 6 guys, drummer, stand up bass, slide guitar, electric guitar and banjo and two vocalists who also would play string instruments at times during their 90 minute set. I continue to try to describe their music but my vocabulary only allows me to say its somewhere in the midst of the violent femmes, a gospel revival meeting and the danger of snake dancing. Their songs tended to speak of the great tradition of Jesus in this country. Not the fundamentalist stripe but the kind of religion that the quakers favor which is non judgemental and non forceful, the religion i have always favored because its where Jesus and Buddha meet for lunch. The music cut an excitable swath of energy through the room and had the 150 people there jumping for the rafters and screeming for more which for those of you who spend time at shows in los angeles is very weird. Usually people have their hands in their pockets and to show excitement means they might be drunk. Not this night. You could take all the energy and passion of weeks and weeks of shows and you still would not have what Slim Cessna's Auto Club did that night. If they ever grace us with another. live set in our fair city you must go.
And so to the policy change i opened with. It is painfully obvious that musicians in los angeles need to get out and see more music and more importantly more types of music. As much as i love indie music and punk music do we really need more of those bands. So i want to start to transpollinate music by giving musicians free entry into the club during most nights. By November 15th we will be giving out The Safari Sams Band Pass, good for 6 months and good for the artist and a guest to come in as long as its not a sold out show. So you guitar players, drummers, vocalists, violinist and other musicians don't be afraid to hear other music and i will give it to you for free and please go see Slim Cessna's Auto Club and save your soul from the daily chores of our lives.
Band Pass Requirements
1. You must be in a band that has played here, will play here or really really wants to play here, but have been unable to get on the calendar as of yet.
2. You must have an active myspace page that has you listed as a band member.
3. You and your guest must be at least 18 or over.
To receive your band pass please e-mail your name, e-mail address, band name and myspace URL to Band passes will be available for pick up at the club starting November 15th. You will need to have a valid ID showing that you are 18 or over to pick up your band pass. Your pass will be active for 6 months from date of pick up.
This entrance is subject to availability and management’s discretion. This means that if the show might sell out then you would not get in. Also, on nights with outside promotions the pass will not be active. On nights that the pass is active you and your guest must have a valid ID to get in.
To find out if the band pass is active on any given night please check the calendar at, and look for the band pass symbol for the show that you are interested in attending.
“Expose yourself to different music and allow your music to grow”, sam
This information will be posted in a blog as well as on the Safari Sam's website.
Please e-mail all questions or concerns to

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