Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Shameless Loves: deeep

A couple of weeks ago I went for a much-needed haircut. As usually happens, the stylist asked me what kind of products I use because my hair was so dry. No wonder it hasn't been growing out well - it just keeps breaking! Although I use the Bumble and bumble thickening line on a regualr basis, I was damaging my hair by dying it with home kits... I probably could have guessed that was happening.

She recommended what has since become my favorite hair product ever: Bumble and bumble deeep conditioner. I figured I would have to do 3-4 weekly treatments before seeing much of an improvement, but I was so wrong. I've only used it once so far, and my hair is sooooo much softer! I couldn't believe it! I thought for sure after a couple of days of styling products and blow drying it would be back to its brittle-ended self. Nope! This conditioner accomplishes major repairs immediately, and now I just have to do an occasional maintenance treatment every so often. Magic in a tube.

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