Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Andie's Pre-Warped Blog

I never thought I'd be so into the Warped Tour! Granted, most of the bands performing are nowhere on my radar, and several others that are make me cringe (I'll leave out the link on that one...), but the prospect of seeing The Transplants, Gogol Bordello, and Billy Idol is pretty rockin'! And you can't knock a tour that has such awesome sponsors as Vans and Atticus - both of which gave us gear to giveaway at tomorrow night's party!

And as if all that wasn't motivation enough to love this tour, I've got one more reason (and so do you!): The Prix!

That's right. My favorite L.A. rockers are going to take what would have been the most banal part of your Warped day and make it a raucus good time! The Prix (pronounced PREE, but you can call them pricks if you want) will be entertaining you from the Earn It Yourself stage at the entrance to the tour grounds. Never thought you'd have such a rockin' time waiting in line to have a rockin' time, did ya'? Well, if you're going to the Long Beach show you're in luck!

But wait - there's more! I'll be there manning the merch! So stop on over, give the boys a listen, say hi, buy a tee, pick up a CD, and spread The Prix.

See you there!