I saw you [and him] walking in the rain...

I thought that for sure I'd have dozens of great mp3s to share with you by now. Sadly... let's just say I've received several new CDs, and what I've heard so far has fallen way short of my expectations. First of all, The Coup (on Epitaph) sounded like a cool punk band - based on the name alone. Or at least emo/Warped-ish something-or-another. It's hip-hop. I gave up after a very quick scan. Sonically it was unremarkable, however I did catch a couple of interesting political statements in there that I will go back and listen to more closely when I'm in a sunnier mood. Maybe I'll turn around on that one.
The third release from The Streets, The Hardest Way to Make an Easy Living, had me quite enthused, as well. Original Pirate Material was a lot of fun, but his sophomore effort fell a little short. But doesn't that always happen? Then they bounce back and hit us with a redemption CD better than the first. That's just how the story goes, and so expectations were high. And completely unmet. Bummer, Skinner. I'm giving you one more try to shake my booty, then you're getting erased from the little black book. Sorry, that's just the way it goes!
Oh... wait! Got a good one here! "Krakow, Poland! Krakow, Poland!" It's Pope John Paul off of The Lovely Feathers' Hind Hind Legs, and it's bringing a smile to my face. Nice! Catchy little tune with a rowsing chorus to my grandfather's (dziadziu's) home town. I'm down for that. Check the mp3 below.
And I'll leave you with one more goodie. It's from the return of The Red Krayola. Don't worry if you don't know what they're returning from. I wouldn't either, except that once upon a time I went to art school and I had the wonderful opportunity to take a class taught by Mayo Thompson. He was one of the most inspiring, interactive, and open-minded instructors I had. And awfully eccentric for someone who looks as much like a suburban fifty-something as my dad. I researched my professors (cuz I was geeky like that), and I learned that he was a member of The Red Krayola - since 1967! They've been around forever, and they're as relevant as ever. It's definitely time more people caught on. It takes a certain sense of humor (and raunch in many cases) - try it out and see if it suits you...
The Lovely Feathers, Pope John Paul
The Red Krayola, Puff (yes, it's the dragon!)
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