Friday, August 05, 2005

The Weekends are heating up!

We had a great start to the weekend with our launch party last night - including an appearance by Lucy Liu in a Morphine Generation blazer. HOT! To everyone who made it out, thanks for making it a great night! To those who overslept - your loss. :P

Typically I would elect to stay in on the weekend. I hate all the nighttime traffic, cops cruising the "boulevards," and the weekend warriors. Honestly, it can be an unsavory scene. But things are changing this week! There are two great parties going on in Hollywood tonight (and every Friday hereafter), so if you're in town, check them out:

Apollo Starr has a new bash at Beauty Bar:

And the Vine Bar is renovated and reopening, so Pash is back:

If you see me out, say hi!